If you are an individual, or family, or supporting organisation, or charity, and you require additional support outside of the Hackney Parochial Charities, South Hackney Parochial Charity, and West Hackney Parochial Charity, then you could try contacting the following organisations for possible help and support within the Borough of Hackney:
Hackney Council – Discretionary Crisis Support Scheme – emergency funding – Tel: 020 8356 3000 https://hackney.gov.uk/discretionary-crisis-support-scheme
Turn 2 Us – online information and advice service on support organisations www.turn2us.org.uk
East End Citizens Advice Bureau – advice and support 300 Mare Street, Hackney, E8 1EL Tel: 020 8525 6350
Hackney Doorways – homeless winter night shelter in Hackney Tel: 020 8533 8308 Website: www.hwns.org.uk
Hackney Foodbank – food provision in Hackney [email protected] Tel: 020 7254 2464 www.hackney.foodbank.org.uk
Hackney Migrant Centre – support for migrants and asylum seekers Email: [email protected] www.hackneymigrantcentre.org.uk
NHS – City and Hackney Centre for Mental Health – support service Homerton Row , London, Greater London, E9 6SR, Tel: 020 8510 8117
Down to Earth – support with funeral costs Tel: 020 8983 5055 Email: [email protected] https://quakersocialaction.org.uk/we-can-help/helping-funerals/down-earth
Frampton Park Baptist Church – CAP Debt Help Centre in Hackney Tel: 020 8986 4765 Website: www.framptonpark.org.uk
Shine London – a fuel poverty organisation www.shine-london.org.uk
Hackney Advice Service – for sensory and mental health support Tel: 0207 001 1728 Email: [email protected]
Hackney Information and Advice Consortium – benefits advice service in ten Hackney GP surgeries Tel: 020 8510 1970 Email: [email protected]
NRPF Financial Assistance – Support When It Matters (SWIM) – funded by Hackney Council to distribute financial assistance to residents who are unable to access the welfare system due to the condition ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ (NRPF) applied on their immigration status.
Financial assistance is to be used to help with items like emergency help with food, reconnection of fuel supply, cost of utilities, help with travel, toiletries, basic communication needs, rent arrears, basic clothing, baby essentials, prescriptions or rent deposits. For further details click here or email one of the partner organisations:
SWIM – Email Angeline or call 07862 071 008. https://www.swimenterprises.com/contact-us/