The objectives of the Hackney Parochial Charities (HPC), South Hackney Parochial Charity (SHPC), and West Hackney Parochial Charity (WHPC) are the relief of hardship and poverty and the advancement in life of those living within their individual areas of benefit, in the London Borough of Hackney. The Hackney Parochial Charities, South Hackney Parochial Charity and West Hackney Parochial Charity award grants to further these objectives.
The Trustees consider two main types of grant funding:
1. To Individuals
2. To Organisations
For the Hackney Parochial Charities only, these two types of grants also include individual grants to nurses, and project grants to nursing organisations.
Individuals are encouraged to apply for grants with the support of third party supporting agencies or local registered charities. If you do not have a third party supporting organisation or charity then please contact us on 02033 977 805 and we will help to link you up with a third party. The Trustees welcome applications from organisations based in the parish, or in the surrounding parishes, but they must provide proof in the application that the work to be funded is specifically for the benefit of people who live, or are based, within the area of benefit. Typically grants to individuals will be for up to around £500.00.
Geographic area we cover
The Trustees have to be very strict about the geographic area in which individuals must live, or organisations operate, in order to apply for a grant. Please consult the map showing the area of benefit. Individuals who live outside the area of benefit may be able to apply to other local trusts for funding. See, for example: Hackney Parochial Charities, South Hackney Parochial Charity and West Hackney Parochial Charity.
Please note that the three Parochial Charities, HPC, SHPC and WHPC do not cover the whole Metropolitan Borough of Hackney, but rather follow the ancient parish boundaries.
The following wards are outside of the area of benefit of the three Parochial Charities:
In the north west – Woodberry Down, Brownswood, the western half of Stamford Hill West
In the west – Clissold, the western half of Stoke Newington
In the south west – Haggerston, Hoxton West, Hoxton East and Shoreditch
What we can fund:
- Projects that relieve poverty
- Projects for advancement in life
- Projects that are educational in its broadest sense
- Projects that provide services and opportunities to individuals living within the relevant charity’s area of benefit
- Organisations providing organised breaks for families and children.
Please also see the charities lists of exclusions.
What sort of organisation can we award grants to?
Schools, colleges, youth groups, pensioner groups, religious groups, other charities, community support groups, nursing organisations.
Project Applications
Applications must be made on the Project Application Form and demonstrate how they meet the grant making priorities below:
Socially isolated elderly
Individuals and families with no recourse to public funds
Advice and support organisations
Support service to young people
Your application should be endorsed by two referees who know the work of the organisation. These referees should be totally independent of the organisation and should not be a relative or partner. Suitable referees include prominent members of our local community, other charities, local councillors etc.
One reference letter must also be provided on that organisation’s headed paper.
Organisations must attach a copy their latest annual report and accounts and a detailed project budget.
Please click on this link for the online Project Application Form:
If you require the application form in a different format, please contact us.
Individual Applications
Individual applications must always be made through a third party supporting agency such as a church or a social worker, details of whom need to be added to the online form. Please do contact us on 02033 977 805 if you do not have a third party organisation and we will link you up with one.
Individuals must provide evidence of their postal address, such as a copy of a utility bill. You will be asked to upload a scanned copy of these documents together with the application form.
The Trustees have agreed the guideline amounts below for certain household items. Please bear this this in mind when submitting your application:
£120 | Single bed |
£90 | Single mattress |
£120 | Single Orthopaedic mattress |
£16 | Single duvet & pillows set |
£10 | Single duvet cover & pillowcases set |
£150 | Double bed |
£120 | Double mattress |
£150 | Double Orthopaedic mattress |
£30 | Double duvet & pillows set |
£20 | Double duvet cover & pillowcases set |
£130 | Baby’s cot |
£30 | Baby’s cot bed mattress |
£30 | Moses basket |
£10 | Baby bottles |
£20 | Bottle steam steriliser |
£100 | Single Pushchair |
£130 | Twin Pushchair |
£170 | Twin Tandem Pushchair |
£160 | Fridge |
£180 | Fridge Freezer |
£200 | Washing machine |
£210 | Cooker |
£60 | Microwave |
£15 | Kettle |
£15 | Toaster |
£200 | Sofa |
£230 | Sofa Bed |
£120 | Dining table and 4 chairs |
£90 | Wardrobe |
£50 | Chest of drawers |
Please click on this link for the online Individual Application Form:
If you require the application form in a different format, please contact us.
When can applications be made?
Individual Applications can be submitted at any time. The Trustees consider this type of applications in batches between meetings.
The HPC Trustees meet twice a year, every six months, to consider project applications. Applications from organisations can be submitted at any time and will be presented to the next nearest meeting.
SHPC Individual Applications can be submitted at any time. The Trustees consider Individual Applications quarterly at their meetings.
Project Applications can be submitted at any time. The Trustees also consider Project Applications quarterly at their meetings.
Individual Applications can be submitted at any time. The Trustees consider this type of applications in batches between meetings.
The WHPC Trustees meet quarterly, four times a year, to consider project applications. Applications from organisations can be submitted at any time and will be presented to the next nearest meeting.
What happens next?
The Trustees discuss each application carefully, after which they may:
- Make a grant up to the full amount requested by the applicant
- Make a grant that is a proportion of the full amount requested by the applicant
- Defer the decision and request further information from the applicant before they come to a final decision
- Request that they make a visit to the individual or organisation concerned, before they come to a decision
- Refer the application to one of the Trust’s sister charities, within whose area and terms of benefit the application may fall (HPC, SHPC or WHPC)
- Decline to make a grant.
And then?
Payments may be made in full at that point, or in instalments, according to the nature of the application and the grant made. The Trustees require that successful applicants acknowledge the charity in any publicity material and at any events that may be held. To apply for a grant, please complete the relevant online application form for an individual or project grant.
What we expect in return
Successful project applicants will be required to complete an evaluation form nine months after receiving the award. Third parties of successful individual applicants will be required to complete an evaluation form upon the spending of the grant.
If you are an organisation or charity who have not yet spent your project grant, then please contact us after nine months, or earlier, and explain the reasons for any delays, telling us what you are planning. Here are the links to the evaluation forms for grants: HPC Individual Evaluation Form and HPC Project Evaluation Form and SHPC Individual Evaluation Form and SHPC Project Evaluation Form and WHPC Individual Evaluation Form and WHPC Project Evaluation Form.
Please complete the relevant evaluation form, save and email it back to us at: [email protected]
Please also read our terms and conditions.